Validator 117469

Rank 27.5 % 34109
Status Active
32.01506 ACE 32.0 ACE
Effectiveness 94% - Good
2(100% )
8248(100% )
Total Rewards +0.33103 ACE
Income Today +0.01334 ACE
Income 1d | 7d | 31d +0.00825 | +0.06945 | +0.27267
APR 7d | 31d | 365d 11.32% | 10.03% | 0.99%
Income 7d +0.06945 ACE
APR 7d 11.32%
Luck 62.5% | -
Created with Highcharts 8.2.2Income [ACE]Daily Income20. FebEpoch7936822. FebEpoch7981824. FebEpoch8026826. FebEpoch8071828. FebEpoch811682. MarEpoch816184. MarEpoch820686. MarEpoch825188. MarEpoch8296810. MarEpoch8341812. MarEpoch8386814. MarEpoch8431816. MarEpoch8476818. MarEpoch8521820. MarEpoch8566822. MarEpoch8611824. Feb3. Mar10. Mar17. Mar00. IncomeConsensus Income
Created with Highcharts 8.2.2# of Possible ProposalsProposal HistoryProposedMissedMissed (Orphaned)19. Mar20. Mar21. Mar22. Mar23. Mar19. Mar12:0020. Mar12:0021. Mar12:0022. Mar12:0023.
Epoch Slot Status Time Incl. Slot Opt.Incl.Dist.

Withdrawal Address

Your current withdrawal credentials are: 0x0100…8411

Execution Layer

This table displays the deposits made to the Ethereum staking deposit contract.
From Address Tx Hash Block Time Withdrawal Cred. Amount Valid
0x5aC8DB…c1651F 0x50f42f… 2482449 38 days 1 hr ago 0x0100…8411 32 ACE true

Consensus Layer

This table displays the deposits received and processed by the beacon chain.
Epoch Slot Time Withdrawal Credential Amount Signature
78065 2498082 37 days 6 hrs ago 0x0100…8411 32 ACE 0xb7f9…5f9b
Epoch Slot Time Recipient Address Amount
Validator History