Validator 109998

Rank 3.59 % 4388
Status Active
32.00296 ACE 32.0 ACE
Effectiveness 100% - Perfect
10(100% )
13801(100% )
Total Rewards +0.62542 ACE
Income Today +0.00157 ACE
Income 1d | 7d | 31d +0.00848 | +0.09370 | +0.34029
APR 7d | 31d | 365d 15.27% | 12.52% | 1.95%
Income 7d +0.09370 ACE
APR 7d 15.27%
Luck 153.0% | -
Created with Highcharts 8.2.2Income [ACE]Daily Income10. FebEpoch7711812. FebEpoch7756814. FebEpoch7801816. FebEpoch7846818. FebEpoch7891820. FebEpoch7936822. FebEpoch7981824. FebEpoch8026826. FebEpoch8071828. FebEpoch811682. MarEpoch816184. MarEpoch820686. MarEpoch825188. MarEpoch8296810. MarEpoch8341812. MarEpoch8386817. Feb24. Feb3. Mar10. Mar00. IncomeConsensus Income
Created with Highcharts 8.2.2# of Possible ProposalsProposal HistoryProposedMissedMissed (Orphaned)8. Feb10. Feb12. Feb14. Feb16. Feb18. Feb20. Feb22. Feb24. Feb26. Feb28. Feb2. Mar4. Mar6. Mar8. Mar10. Mar20. Jan27. Jan3. Feb10. Feb17. Feb24. Feb3. Mar10. …10.
Epoch Slot Status Time Incl. Slot Opt.Incl.Dist.

Withdrawal Address

Your current withdrawal credentials are: 0x0100…1ee3

Execution Layer

This table displays the deposits made to the Ethereum staking deposit contract.
From Address Tx Hash Block Time Withdrawal Cred. Amount Valid
0xa4A56b…31a24d 0x76a8d2… 2237672 62 days 4 hrs ago 0x0100…1ee3 32 ACE true

Consensus Layer

This table displays the deposits received and processed by the beacon chain.
Epoch Slot Time Withdrawal Credential Amount Signature
70304 2249750 61 days 17 hrs ago 0x0100…1ee3 32 ACE 0x8bb3…55fc
Epoch Slot Time Recipient Address Amount
Validator History